ECSE 2610 - Computer Components and Operations

CoCO Fall 2024

  • Course Schedule

  • Course Shared Folder - contains all lecture slides, pdfs of recorded lectures, homework and exam solutions, and other necessary files.
  • Discord - where course communication happens in between classes. You should receive and email about joining the Discord space at the beginning of the semester. If you can’t access the space, email Prof. Rees.

Teaching Staff

NameRoleLab SectionOffice HoursEmailDiscord Name
Dr. James Dylan ReesInstructorAll (as needed)By appointment (book here)reesj3@rpi.eduj.dylanrees
Parisa ShiravaniTA01 (12-1:50pm)(tba)shirap@rpi.eduparisan_sh
Diyanko BhowmikTA(tba)(tba)bhowmd@rpi.edudiyanko
Huzaifa ArifTA03 (5-6:50pm)(tba)
Zidi TaoTA02 (3-4:50pm)(tba)
Dani ShilohUGSA(tba)(tba)
Julian TianaUGSA(tba)(tba)
Andrew ZhengUGSA(tba)(tba)
Annabel DayUGSA(tba)(tba)
Alex XuUGSA(tba)(tba)
Rosanna LuUGSA(tba)(tba)

During the office hour times specified above, the instructor and TAs will check and respond to messages in the Discord space. They will also be available meetings in-person or on Discord as indicated above.